General Liability and Media Waiver

I acknowledge that I participate at my own risk in Black Rock Forest activities. I hereby waive, release and forever discharge any claims, liability, rights or causes of action I may have against Black Rock Forest (BRF); Black Rock Forest Preserve; BRF staff and volunteers for losses of property and personal injuries, losses, or damages, no matter how incurred, that I might sustain as a result of my participation on this or any other event under BRF management.

 In case of illness, accident or emergency, I give my permission to be treated by a medical professional and admitted to a hospital. If necessary, I agree to be the party responsible for all medical expenses.  

I hereby give my consent for photographs, videos and interviews by or with me to be used by BRF for promotional, non-commercial purposes. I recognize that this document is binding upon me and any minor accompanying me on this visit.

    * Required information

    In case of emergency, please contact:


    If the participant is under the age of 18 a parent or legal guardian must sign below.

    A confirmation email will be sent after submitting this form. If you do not receive a confirmation email or have any questions regarding Black Rock Forest's General Liability Waiver, please email our main office or call 845-534-4517.